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SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) 2017-2022

The SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) was an independent organization formed to implement the vision of the Member Libraries of the Consortium (Membership) and support SUNY students, faculty, researchers and staff.



  • Gail Pawlowski, SLS, Co-Chair
  • Lauren Jackson-Beck, Potsdam, Co-Chair
  • Reed Jones, University at Buffalo
  • Jillian Kehoe, Maritime
  • Kevin Michki, Fredonia
  • Liz Simmons, Genesee Community College
  • Mary Timmons, Monroe Community College
  • Susan Wood, Suffolk Community College


SUNY has three main channels to suggest and advocate for improvements in Alma and Primo VE: Idea Exchange, NERS Voting through ELUNA/IGELU, and advocacy for issues via SUNY’s support relationship.  The Alma and Primo Enhancements and Improvements Coordination Task Force will focus on developing processes for SUNY to coordinate its efforts across all three channels, and to develop communication channels to share information to SLC members.  Additionally, the Task Force will review and decide on what level of coordination is beneficial and worthwhile within the SLC, and what stakeholders are most involved (i.e. Directors, Working Groups, SLC Board, etc.).

The Task Force will specifically investigate the following:

  • Processes and workflows needed for engaging SLC membership on improvements and coordination of:
    • NERS voting: NERS voting requires ELUNA membership
    • Escalating support issues: involves coordination of reviewing outstanding Salesforce Cases that are in development, and deciding which cases SUNY wants to request prioritization on.
    • Idea Exchange participation: Any staff can create Idea Exchange articles, and the intent of the work of this task force is to gather what SUNY idea exchange ideas have been submitted, and communicate these ideas, as well as develop a process to encourage grouping idea votes for high priority ideas.
  • Explore how other Consortium handle NERS voting
  • Methods for engaging with SLC community to encourage participation in the enhancement processes, with the following considerations:
    • Are methods effective and sustainable to manage?
    • Do methods represent the needs of the SLC as a whole?
  • Development of goals for Enhancement and Improvement coordination.


Deliverables from the Task Force will be:

  • Recommendation on block voting options if ELUNA member
  • Workflow documentation and processes for each of the three channels that SLC can request and advocate for improvements.
  • Initial presentation to SLC Board and LSP Advisory Board report on proposed processes and workflows, and revision of processes based on feedback.
  • At least two presentations to the SLC membership about processes and workflows and how SLC members and institutions can submit requests for improvements and advocate for enhancements.
  • Development of method for assessing effectiveness of processes and workflows.


Timeline for Task Force:

Task Force will begin work in November 2019, and finish development of processes and deliver presentations by February 2020