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SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) 2017-2022

The SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) was an independent organization formed to implement the vision of the Member Libraries of the Consortium (Membership) and support SUNY students, faculty, researchers and staff.

March 2017

SUNY Libraries Consortium Framework Document

The SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC), an independent organization, is formed to implement the vision of the Member Libraries of the Consortium (Membership) and support SUNY students, faculty, researchers and staff in support of the intellectual and economic development of New York State.

Vision of the SLC

The SLC will provide structure for communication among SUNY library members, its associations and the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS).

The SLC will foster collaboration among members for special projects by forming committees and task forces to accomplish discrete projects successfully, in a timely manner and with optimal budgetary consideration. These projects will provide better systems, infrastructure and research capabilities to the libraries of SUNY.

The SLC will provide a fiscal blueprint for SUNY libraries to run the consortium, organize meetings and collaborate with other departments of SUNY.

The Consortium will work to implement the strategic plan adopted by the SUNY Council of Library Directors as well as subsequent plans created by the consortium. Key specific priorities are to:

  • mobilize support for and adoption of the next generation library services platform (LSP);
  • develop a program of assessment and analytics to support evidence-based decisionmaking across SUNY libraries;
  • pursue additional opportunities for collective e-resource acquisition.

The SLC Board

The SLC Board reports to its membership, comprised of the directors/deans of dues paying members of the consortium. Decision making authority for SLC activities rests primarily with the Board, acting within the confines of its allocated budget. Dues and changes in the framework of the SLC must be approved by membership. The Board will call a membership meeting at least once a year, preferably twice per year.

The Board has decision-making powers within the budget it manages. With the exception of the Library Services Platform Task Force, decisions that may change library processes or impact individual institutional budgets will be remanded to membership for a majority vote or an opt-in decision. Decisions regarding the Library Services Platform will be exempt from this restriction.

The SLC Board has the authority to organize as it deems appropriate. The Executive Director reports to the Board and is hired by a committee of SUNY Library Administrators, (e.g., deans/directors) or their designees appointed/formed by the SLC Board. The SLC Board will charge the Executive Director with organizing at least one meeting of SUNY Library directors or their designees each year. The Board will charge the Executive Director with:

  • calling quarterly meetings of the Board to discuss SLC activities;
  • organizing an annual meeting of the SLC Library Administrators and/or their designees;
  • engaging in formal and informal communication with membership on a regular basis;
  • performing other duties that are in his/her job description as well as special projects as needed.

The Board will meet with the SLC Executive Director on a regular basis and is responsible for evaluating the Executive Director annually.

SLC Founding Board

  • Pat Callahan, Purchase College, Chair
  • Evangela Oates, Sullivan County Community College, Secretary
  • Carey Hatch, Office of Library and Information Services
  • Tim Arnold, Jamestown Community College
  • Holly Heller Ross, SUNY Plattsburgh
  • Curtis Kendrick, Binghamton University
  • Christine Rudecoff, Morrisville State College


The Executive Director shall convene an annual meeting of the organization which includes the voting representative from each member library, standing committees, working groups, invited guests and/or others deemed appropriate by the Board. Decisions on whether to convene a second meeting could be made depending on the need for votes or special projects needing the members’ input.

The Board should meet at least four-times a year and the membership should meet at least once a year with a meeting twice a year being optimal. The Executive Director will convene all meetings.

Voting for the SLC Board

The full membership will vote on the composition of five of the seven-member board. Voting for the additional university centers’ board member is done by the university centers’ Library Administrators.

Term appointments are for a three-year term; Board Members can be elected for one additional consecutive term. Term positions run from July to June. The OLIS representative on the Board is not a term position and is not voted upon by membership.

Election Process

  • Put a call out for submissions to fill Board member positions in March.
  • Non-directors wishing to apply must get endorsement from their dean/director
  • Potential candidates will write a short paragraph describing how they can contribute to
  • SLC Board, along with brief biographical/resume form
  • Candidate packets submitted to Secretary of SLC Board in April
  • Applications considered by the SLC Board and suitable names submitted for vote to the membership in April.
  • Voting closes in May. One vote per institution for each position.
  • SLC Board announces results in May/June.

Special Voting for Incomplete Term

If a member of the Board leaves his/her position before their term is up, and there is less than a year left on the term, the Chair of the Board should choose someone to fill their position. If however there is more than a year left on the term, a special election should be conducted by the Board with the Membership voting to elect a substitute to complete the assigned term. The transition to the permanent voting process is anticipated to take three years as members of the initial Board transition off. This will allow for staggered Board appointments so that not all Board members leave the Board at the same time. The voting process for the first three rounds of voting is articulated in Appendix A.

Committees, Task Forces, Special Interest Groups

A committee or task force is formed by the Board to review a large project that will impact the consortium. The SLC Board constitutes and charges committees. Committee recommendations are presented to the Board for action. Committee members must be approved by their dean/director. Decisions made by the committee are presented to the Board. With the exception of the Library Services Platform Task Force, decisions that may change library processes or impact budgets will be remanded to membership for a vote or an opt-in decision. Once the committee or task force’s work is completed, a new group may be established for the purposes of implementation. For example a committee has been formed to review a new library system for SUNY (The Library Services Platform Evaluation Team). Once this process has resulted in selection of a new platform, a Task Force will be formed for the migration of the new LSP from the old product. This Framework document is also calling for the establishment of a Commercial Products Committee in the near term, and the Board may want to establish a group soon to address issues pertaining to membership engagement in system-wide assessment practices. In summary:

  • The SLC Board shall form a committee or task force when necessary
  • The SLC Board shall charge the committee/task force
  • The charge shall include the duration and number of members of the committee/task force
  • Committee/task force members must be approved by their dean/director
  • The SLC Board shall replace a member if a vacancy occurs
  • The committee/task force shall report to the SLC board periodically and/or by request
  • The committee/task force may be dissolved by the SLC board
  • The SLC Board may form special interest groups when necessary

Library Services Platform Task Force Charge and Initial Membership

The Library Services Platform (LSP) Task Force, reporting to the SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) Board of Directors, will provide a University-wide perspective on the planning for the implementation and migration to a library services platform. They will work closely with the OLIS and with working groups that will be formed to address specific policies, workflows, and recommendations in various areas. In this role the LSP Task Force will

  • Approve the formation and charges of proposed working groups to be proposed in consultation with the OLIS and the SUNY Libraries Consortium
  • Ensure that the working groups are meeting deadlines and milestones
  • Ensure that the expectations of the working groups and the OLIS are in alignment
  • Be the final decision-making authority on recommendations proposed by the working groups and the OLIS
  • Focus decisions on recommendations that support streamlined workflows, reduction of duplicative practices, support standard policies, and minimize local customizations in order to take advantage of opportunities available through a true shared systems environment.

Initial Membership

  • Shannon Pritting, Chair
  • Greg Carr (Sullivan)
  • Shafeek Fazal (Stony Brook)
  • Angela Rhodes (Morrisville)
  • Joe Riggie (Buffalo State)
  • David Schuster (Binghamton)
  • Maureen Zajkowski (OLIS)


The SLC Commercial Products Committee works with the SLC Board, the SLC Executive Director, OLIS staff and member libraries to encourage cooperation and collaboration in identifying, evaluating and recommending the purchase and/or brokering of electronic information resources. The committee will identify and promulgate efficient and cost effective best practices, licensing and negotiating principles. The committee will advise on maximizing the consortium’s economies of scale and leverage in negotiations with commercial creators and third party providers of content. The Commercial Products Committee will seek opportunities to partner with New York State’s Office of General Services to seek efficiencies and cost savings in the procurement process. The committee has a specific charge to identify and provide savings to each member library that equal or exceed the library’s baseline consortia membership dues.

The committee may be assigned projects by the Board of Directors, or may independently develop projects and initiatives within the scope of its charge or in collaboration with other ad hoc groups. The committee will facilitate the development and use of statistical measures to inform decision making at both the institutional and consortia levels. The committee will prepare appropriate documentation and reports, and will submit an annual report of its activities and accomplishments to Board of Directors.

Initial Membership

To be determined

APPENDIX A: Process for Circulating Existing SCLD Board Members off the SLC Board and Voting Members on to the SLC Board

For the next three years two people will leave previous SCLD voted positions each year until the new SLC Board is fully created as the Consortium Board.

  • Put a call out for submissions to fill Board member positions.
  • Put the call out to SLC and SUNYLA lists by April 1, 2017.
  • Non-directors wishing to apply must get endorsement from their dean/director
  • Potential candidates will write a short paragraph describing how they can contribute to SLC Board, along with brief biographical/resume form
  • Candidate packets submitted to Secretary of SLC Board by April 21, 2017
  • Applications considered by the SLC Board and suitable names submitted for vote to the membership April 30, 2017. One vote per institution for each position.
  • Voting closes May 31 2017.
  • SLC Board announces results in advance of SLC spring meeting.
  • NOTE: This timeframe might be very short, we will assess this for the next round of voting. For this round we will probably not be able to have a lot of time for reviewing candidates.

SLC Voting Process, Rounds 1-3, 2017-2019

First Round of Voting

The first series of voting will take place in May of 2017. Deadline for submission of nominations is April 21, 2017. The Secretary of the SLC Board will oversee the election. Elections will be conducted electronically, with each former member of SCLD being eligible to have two votes. The two candidates receiving the highest popular vote counts for each board seat/vacancy will be elected to a three-year term.

Once elections are complete two members of the former SCLD Board of Directors will step down. With the exception of the OLIS representative and the University Center representative, former SCLD EB members will rotate off the board in order of the date they were due to rotate off the prior SCLD Executive Board. In 2017, Oates and Rudecoff will rotate off.

Second Round of Voting

The second series of voting will take place in May of 2018. Nominations will start being accepted April 1, 2018. The Secretary of the SLC Board will oversee the election. Elections will be conducted electronically, with each current director of an SLC member organization being eligible to have two votes. The candidates receiving the two highest popular vote counts will be elected to a three-year term.

Once elections are complete two members of the former SCLD Board of Directors will step down. With the exception of the OLIS representative and the University Center representative, former SCLD EB members will rotate off the board in order of the date they were due to rotate off the prior SCLD Executive Board. In 2018, Arnold and Heller-Ross will rotate off.

Third Round of Voting

The third series of voting will take place in May of 2019. Nominations will start being accepted April 1, 2019. The Secretary of the SLC Board will oversee the election. Elections will be conducted electronically, with each current director of an SLC member organization being eligible to have one vote. The candidate receiving the highest popular vote count will be elected to a threeyear term.

Once elections are complete one member of the former SCLD Board of Directors will step down. In 2019, Callahan will rotate off. The University Center representative (Kendrick) will remain on the new SLC Board for the final of their full three-year term.