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SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) 2017-2022

The SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC) was an independent organization formed to implement the vision of the Member Libraries of the Consortium (Membership) and support SUNY students, faculty, researchers and staff.

SLC Dissolution

SLC Dissolution

After meetings and discussions, the SLC Board recommended to dissolve the SLC in a memo dated November 21, 2022.  

The Board held a meeting on December 1st 2022 to discuss the future of the SLC, and a vote on the dissolution of the SLC was taken after the December meeting.

Voting ended on December 16, 2022, and the proposal to dissolve the SLC passed.

About SUNY Libraries Consortium

SUNY Libraries

SUNY Libraries share a common mission to support the academic success of students enrolled at the 64 SUNY campuses, provide access to high quality and affordable education, and support SUNY students, faculty, researchers, and staff in support of the intellectual and economic development of New York State. In support of this mission, SUNY Libraries are collective recipients of services for a fee from the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS).

SUNY Libraries Consortium (SLC)

The SLC represents the collective body of all SUNY Libraries. The SLC is led by an executive board whose members are elected by each member library.

SUNY Libraries Consortium Board

The SLC Board leads SLC by:

  • Providing guidance, as an advisory body, to select relevant initiatives from the SLC membership. Forwarding those to the OLIS which will further scope project proposals, facilitating work with member libraries whenever projects are deemed appropriate.
  • Responding to the OLIS’s requests for feedback on initiatives, sustainability of projects, and SUNY Libraries staff participation.
  • Planning the agenda for regular biannual meetings, which serve the purpose of sharing information between the OLIS, SLC, and staff of member libraries.
  • Supporting communities of practice, including a library administrator community of practice, to encourage the sharing of best practices, mentoring, and other critical communications. 
  • The Board meets monthly, and more often as needed, with a representative from the OLIS.

Responsibilities of Participating SUNY Libraries

As a member library, an annual chargeback will be assessed to the participating institution by SUNY. These costs provide access to some of the services managed by the OLIS. These services represent core functional operations to which all member libraries are required to subscribe as well as optional services for an additional cost. Participating libraries will be eligible to nominate candidates and vote in SLC Board elections.

OLIS Services to SUNY Libraries

The core services are:

  • ALMA/Primo
  • Courier and delivery service
  • Shared core collections
  • Core business management
  • Biannual Meeting

The optional additional-fee services include:

  • Opt-in collections
  • Extended Alma/Primo support services
  • Complete managed Alma/Primo services
  • SOAR and/or SUNY Digital Repository support services
  • SUNY OER Services
  • SUNY Press (discount pricing)

Voting procedure for SLC Board membership

The full membership will vote on the composition of five of the seven-member board. Voting for the additional university centers’ board member is done by the university centers’ Library Administrators.

Term appointments are for a three-year term; Board Members can be elected for one additional consecutive term. Term positions run from July to June. The OLIS representative on the Board is not a term position and is not voted upon by membership.

Election Process

  • Call for nominations to fill vacant Board member positions opens in March
  • Non-directors wishing to apply must receive approval from their dean/director
  • Nominees will write a short paragraph describing how they can contribute to the SLC Board, along with brief biographical/resume form
  • In April, candidate packets are due to the SLC Board Secretary, to be reviewed by the SLC Board
  • Voting by the membership opens in April and Closes in May
  • SLC Member libraries get one vote for each at-large position
  • Results of the election are announced in May or June

Special voting for incomplete term
If a member of the Board leaves their position before their term is up, and there is less than a year left on the term, the Chair of the Board should choose someone to fill their position. If however there is more than a year left on the term, a special election should be conducted by the Board with the Membership voting to elect a substitute to complete the assigned term.