EBSCO API. The Discovery Working Group recommends that SUNY campuses do not use the EBSCO API for the following reasons:
We understand that some campuses will want to use this search because of the problem with missing EBSCO content in the Primo Central Index. Here is more information about EBSCO searching in Primo VE: https://sunyolis.libanswers.com/faq/232587
*information from questions at end of Alternative Coverage and Open Access Collections in Primo Central: Guidelines and Recommendations Lacey Mamak (Normandale Community College) & Zorian Sasyk (Metropolitan State University)
SUNY Catalog Scope. The Discovery Working Group recommends that all SUNY campuses keep the SUNY Catalog as a search scope, but it is up to each campus to decide which scope they'd like to use as their default search.
Database Search. The Discovery Working Group (DWG) recommends that campuses do not use the out-of-the-box Database Search in the top menu of Primo VE. Primo displays all records with the type=database in this search, but not all of your databases will migrate with this type, so you'll be missing some of them. You also may not include your Abstract and Indexing databases in Alma because those databases do not have full text for fulfillment, so they'll be left out of the Database Search. The DWG recommends that you hide the default Database Search and replace it with a link to your current A to Z database list, which you maintain outside of Alma/Primo. Here are instructions for how to do that: https://sunyolis.libanswers.com/faq/246415
Open Search.
The LSP task force has asked us to discuss whether or not there should be a SUNY-wide requirement to have some form of open search that wouldn’t require authentication available.
Some libraries may consider requiring users to authenticate into Primo in order to search and view results. There are some benefits to being authenticated in Primo: users can view results from restricted Primo Central collections, pin items to their "my favorites," and see loan policies.
However, requiring users to authenticate at the onset can create barriers for users not affiliated with the institution, including guest users and users from other SUNY campuses. In addition, the DWG believes that open search for Primo VE supports the overarching goals the LSP project: sharing collections and services across SUNY.
The Discovery Working Group recommends that all SUNY libraries provide unrestricted searching of their Library Catalog via Primo VE. By supporting open search, SUNY libraries are ensuring that all users, regardless of their affiliation, are able to search each library's unique collections. Authentication should only be required when affiliated users from the institution wish to access a licensed resource, run a licensed search like the EBSCO API from outside of the campus network, access their library account, place a hold, or use other services such as Interlibrary Loan.
Primo Central Index (PCI) Activation Recommendations. See the database list in this FAQ: How does the Primo Central Index work and what should we activate? [no longer relevant since migration to the CDI 5/24/20]
Hide "other library" on Resource Sharing Request form: The Discovery Working Group recommends that Ex Libris makes a network level css change to hide "other library" on the Resource Sharing Request form. We understand that currently the only way to hide that box is through CSS: md-checkbox[aria-label="almaResourceSharing.allowOtherLibrary"] {display: none;}
3/7/19 follow up: Lynn Higgins added the code to hide this to the central customization package. The Discovery Working Group recommends that campuses inherit this by going to Discovery > Configure Views > Manage Customization Package > check the "Inherit from Central Package" box at the bottom of the page. The code both hides the "Allow Other Library" and also turns the list of GETIT Other SUNY campuses into a button that can be toggled on and off.