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Alma Acquisitions

Alma Acquisitions training guide.

Fiscal Year Rollover

Funds and ledgers need to be rolled over in Alma at the end of an institution's fiscal year (FY).

SUNY Fiscal Year Dates:

  • University centers and comprehensive colleges FY ends June 30th
  • Community colleges FY ends August 31st

Required Roles:

The following role is required to roll over the fiscal year in Alma:

  • Fiscal Period Manager

One of the following roles is required to mark One-Time POLs as fully invoiced for institutions NOT creating invoices in Alma:

  • Acquisitions Administrator
  • Catalog Administrator
  • Catalog Manager
  • Digital Inventory Manager
  • Digital Inventory Operator Extended
  • Fulfillment Administrator
  • General System Administrator
  • Physical Inventory Operator
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Purchasing Operator
  • Repository Administrator
  • Repository Manager
  • Requests Operator
  • User Administrator
  • User Manager


One of the following role is required to change the ledger's fiscal period/year display and to close the previous fiscal year:

  • Acquisitions administrator
  • General System Administrator

Process Overview

  1. Adjust the ledger’s grace periods (optional)
  2. Rollover Ledger Job: Copies the ledgers from the closing fiscal period to the next fiscal period
    • Ledgers are not required to be rolled over on the day they expire if the current ledger has extended the:
      • Fiscal period end encumbrance grace periods
      • Fiscal period end expenditure grace periods
    • Should be done first in draft mode to test it, then change ledger to Active
  3. Rollover PO Lines Job: Copies PO lines encumbrances from the closing fiscal period to the next fiscal period
    • The following order types are rolled over during fiscal period closure if they have active encumbrances associated with them:
      • Continuous/Subscription orders
      • Standing orders
      • One-Time PO Lines that are not “fully invoiced”
    • “Active” encumbrances are what drives which POLs will rollover:
      • POL or PO status does not impact rollover
      • The “Receive” or “Activation” status does not impact POL rollover
    • Marking One-time POLs "Fully Invoiced" (only required for institutions not creating invoices in Alma)
    • Can do in report mode first, then active mode
  4. Change the ledger’s fiscal year display (optional)
  5. Close the previous fiscal year

Considerations when rolling over the fiscal year:

  • Technical, Gift, or Depository Acquisition Methods that are not associated with funds will not roll over. These Acquisition Methods do not need to have an invoice statuses of “Fully Invoiced.” 
  • Alma will always associate credits and invoices with the fiscal year in which the purchase occurred
  • Do not make changes to holdings records while the fiscal year is being rolled over because it may prevent POLs from being rolled over and/or your changes may not be saved

Fiscal Year Rollover Training Session and Q&A