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Alma Acquisitions

Alma Acquisitions training guide.

Acquisitions in SUNY

At SUNY, there are three basic "levels" of Acquisitions usage:

Minimal Acquisitions - recording offline orders using only the features required by Alma to create and manage materials records

Technical Acquisitions - using at least one Vendor, one Ledger/Summary Fund/Allocated Fund, Receiving items in Alma, and recording invoices

Full Acquisitions - using all the major features of Alma Acquisitions and some or all of the secondary features (especially around E-Resources, such as license management).

This guide will explain and step through the Acquisitions features of Alma from the Full Acquisitions perspective, with notes for campuses using Technical or Minimal Acquisitions.

The other pages in this section list which features are relevant to all three levels, and describe what's involved in moving from one level of Acquisitions to a more robust level.

Benefits of Using Acquisitions

The more acquisitions content that you add to Alma, the more systemwide analysis that you can perform, including:

  • Data extraction for LARS, IPEDS, and ACRL reports
  • Cost comparisons between vendors
  • Cost-per-use title analysis
  • Budget line analysis

Acquisitions-Related Policies and FAQs