To use all of the features of Alma Acquisitions, there are two pieces of infrastructure that need to be added:
Fund records contain information about Acquisitions budgets and are used to monitor annual spending. They are optional when placing most orders, but using them can make purchasing more efficient.
Tracking funds in Alma will:
If ordering is minimal, a library might choose to have a single ledger and a single allocated fund for all purchases. Additional allocated fund records allow for more specific tracking of high-interest funding sources.
Vendors are not only necessary for purchasing workflow (every order must be associated with a vendor), but they also:
If ordering is minimal, a library might choose to have a single vendor record to use for all physical item orders. If a library is not interested in tracking purchase costs, this might be a "Gift" vendor (see AWG-5 Policy).
Libraries that want to be able to better keep track of electronic resource use and cost management without the use of spreadsheets will want to create vendors to correspond with their electronic resource use providers. See the Electronic Resource Management section of this FAQ for more information.