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Alma Acquisitions

Alma Acquisitions training guide.

Standing Orders

Standing orders are usually titles that are part of a series, that are automatically mailed to the subscribing library from the vendor.

In Alma, standing orders use the original PO Line in that is associated with the container record used for ordering the series, rather than creating a POL for each title. The container record's PO Line is attached to the item record when receiving titles for the series.

Creating a Container Record For Standing Orders

Physical title standing orders are created and received differently from one-time or continuous titles in Alma. A container record is created for the standing order subscriptions to contain the POL and titles received from the same vendor. The POL is created on the container record and then associated with all titles in the standing order that are being paid for under the container record POL.

To create a standing order container record:

  1. Open the MD Editor
  2. Click on the Records tab
  3. Click New>Placement Options
    • Select Local for the "Placement of new records and templates"
    • Click Save
  4. Click New
  5. Select the appropriate MARC21 Bib SUNY template
  6. Populate the MARC fields with enough metadata to identify this title
  7. Click Record Actions
  8. Check the box next to "Suppress from discovery" (Alt+Shft+S)"
  9. Click Order
    1. PO Line Type: [Select Print Book - Standing Order or Physical - Standing Order Monograph
    2. PO Line Owner: [Select the ordering library]
    3. Click Create PO Line
    4. Material Supplier: [Select the vendor]
    5. List price: [Type in the list price]
    6. Click Add Fund
      1. Fund: [Select the fund]
      2. Percentage: [Keep 100% unless being split between more than one fund]
      3. Amount: [Keep total amount unless being split between more than one fund]
      4. Click Add Fund
    7. Acquisition: [Select Purchase at Vendor System]
      • For SUNY institutions not using full acquisitions (funds), select Technical and do not add a fund
    8. Material Type: [Keep default or change if necessary]
    9. Reporting Codes: [Select reporting codes if used at your institution]
    10. Uncheck Manual Renewal if you do not want to have to manually renew
    11. Renewal Date: [Add the date of renewal]
    12. Renewal reminder period (days): [Add number of days to be alerted to the renewal]
    13. Renewal cycle: [Select the renewal cycle]
    14. Click Order Now
    15. Click Confirm