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Alma Acquisitions

Alma Acquisitions training guide.

Relinking Bib Records

The following roles may be required to relink a POL to a different bib record:

  • Purchasing Operator
  • Physical Inventory Operator
  • Cataloger

Moving a Purchase Order Line (POL) from one bib record to another is called relinking in Alma. The "Relink" button on the Purchase Order Lines Details screen is used to relink a POL from one bib record to another, as long as the order hasn't been closed. Best practice is to use the Holdings area to manage relinking because this does not require reopening a closed POL.

Bib records may need to be relinked to another bib record after receiving because:

  • The POL was created using the "wrong" bib record
    • The bib record has the wrong resource type
    • The bib record does not match the item in hand
    • A single title bib record was used for a multi-volume set
    • The vendor record is incorrect
  • The cataloger has found a better quality bib record to use

Physical Title Relinking General Workflow

Relinking POLs for Physical Materials

Step 1: Change the Bibliographic Reference on the Order
You need to change the bibliographic reference to the new/correct title because leaving it on the old record will prevent SLS from removing the unnecessary title from the NZ.

  1. If the order is still open, you can relink the Bibliographic Reference by opening the POL and choosing Relink:
    relink order
    You'll be able to look up the correct title in the NZ and relink the order to that title. Click confirm once you've identified and selected the correct title.
  2. If the order is closed, look up the old title and click on the number next to Orders
    click order number
    Click the "Change Bib Reference" button and Confirm when it warns you that this won't impact inventory.
    change bib reference
    Look up the new bib record in the NZ and select it by clicking on it. Click Back to get back to your title search result.

Step 2. Relink Holdings:

  1. Export the correct bib record into the NZ and note the ISBN, MMS id or OCLC#
  2. Perform an IZ repository search for the incorrect bib record
  3. Click on Holdings 
    open holdings
  4. Click Relink from the ellipses of the holdings record
    relink holdings
  5. The Search screen opens on the right-hand side of the split screen editor:
    MD editor relink holdings
  6. Select the Network Zone in the tabs above the search options and enter the ISBN, MMS id or OCLC# for the new record to which you want to link this holding
  7. Click Search
  8. When you find the new record, click Relink on the right-hand side of the split screen editor
    relink option
  9. The Holdings record is now relinked to the new record
  10. Click Save>Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R)

Step 2a: Check Call Number:
The call number may need to be edited if:

  • A different call number schema is being used than configured as the default or for the location
  • The local call number is different from the MARC bib record record
  • Adding a local call number to the MARC bib record 090 or 099 fields as local extensions

To Edit a Call number in a Holdings Record:

  • Find the record and open the holdings to edit
  • Click in the first indicator of MARC 852
    Click in the First Indicator of MARC 852
  • Change the first indicator
    Change the first indicator in MARC 852
  • Click Record Actions>Update from Bibliographic (Alt+U)
    Call Number updated in MARC 852
  • Click Save>Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R)

Note that if the order record is still open, you can use the Relink option in the POL to link the order to the correct bib record

Step 3: Delete the old record

  1. Perform an All Titles IZ repository search for the title
  2. Both bib records will appear in the IZ. The new bib record has the POL and associated inventory attached to it
  3. Click Edit Record on the incorrect bib record (POL was moved from)
  4. When the MD Editor opens, click Records Actions>Copy to Catalog and click Save
  5. Click Records Actions>Delete Record and click Yes when the confirmation message pops-up

Relinking POLs for Electronic Materials

You can easily move an order from one portfolio to another portfolio in another collection, or from one collection to another collection. However, if you need to move an order from a portfolio to a collection, you'll need to create a new order from scratch.


  • Search for the current portfolio or collection attached to the order
  • Click on the number next to the Order
    acls order
  • Click on the POL
    acls pol
  • Click on Edit
  • Click on the three dots next to the entry in the Ordered Items area and choose Replace Resource
    replace resource
  • Look up the correct resource and choose it
  • Save the updated order

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