The following roles may be required to relink a POL to a different bib record:
Moving a Purchase Order Line (POL) from one bib record to another is called relinking in Alma. The "Relink" button on the Purchase Order Lines Details screen is used to relink a POL from one bib record to another, as long as the order hasn't been closed. Best practice is to use the Holdings area to manage relinking because this does not require reopening a closed POL.
Bib records may need to be relinked to another bib record after receiving because:
Step 1: Change the Bibliographic Reference on the Order
You need to change the bibliographic reference to the new/correct title because leaving it on the old record will prevent SLS from removing the unnecessary title from the NZ.
Step 2. Relink Holdings:
Step 2a: Check Call Number:
The call number may need to be edited if:
To Edit a Call number in a Holdings Record:
Note that if the order record is still open, you can use the Relink option in the POL to link the order to the correct bib record
Step 3: Delete the old record
You can easily move an order from one portfolio to another portfolio in another collection, or from one collection to another collection. However, if you need to move an order from a portfolio to a collection, you'll need to create a new order from scratch.