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Alma Acquisitions

Alma Acquisitions training guide.

Order Templates

PO Line (POL) templates are a set of preconfigured POL information. They save time and ensure POLs are created consistently and accurately, and they can be created, modified, and deleted. They may be saved as public or private.

One of the required roles is required to create a POL template:

  • Purchasing Operator
  • Purchasing Manager

Creating a POL Template

To Create a POL Template:

  1. Select a bib record from the NZ or CZ with the desired format and purchase type
  2. Click Order in the record
  3. Select the appropriate PO Line Type
  4. Select the PO Line Owner
  5. Leave all other fields and check boxes empty and unchecked
  6. Click Create PO Line
  7. On the PO Line details page: Populate all the appropriate fields:
    • Library and location - Use default or change to the proper library/location
    • Material supplier - Mandatory
    • List Price - Add list price or 0.00 if there is no list price for Gifts
    • Quantity for pricing - Default is 1
    • Fund - Select the Funds if the Institution uses Full Acquisitions
    • Acquisition method - Select the correct acquisitions Method:
      • Purchase at Vendor System
      • Technical
      • Gift
      • Depository
    • Material Type - Select the correct material type
    • Reporting Codes - Populate the reporting code(s) if they are used at the Institution
    • Mandatory or Manual Renewal - Will only display for PO Line Types for Subscriptions
    • Subscription dates
  8. Click Save as Template from the ellipsis at the top of the PO Line Details screen
  9. Enter the Template Name
  10. Select if the Template is Public or Private
  11. Click Save
  12. Click Order Now  to complete the order (POL)

Overwriting an Existing Template

To overwrite an existing POL Template:

  1. Follow the same steps that you would take to create a new template up through step 10. Select if the Template is Public or Private
  2. Select the Existing Template to be replaced
  3. Click Confirm when the Confirmation Message pops-up
  4. Click Save
  5. Click Order Now to complete the order (POL)

Deleting a POL Template

  1. Follow steps 1-4 of creating a new template, through Select the PO Line Owner
  2. Leave all other fields and check boxes empty and unchecked
  3. Click Create PO Line
  4. Click on the ellipses and select Save as Template
  5. Click on the dropdown list of "Existing" templates and select the template to be deleted
  6. Click Delete
  7. Click Cancel. The PO line template is deleted
  8. Continue creating the PO Line or Click Cancel

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