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Alma Acquisitions

Alma Acquisitions training guide.

Gift Acquisitions

SUNY Best practice for adding gifts to Alma is:

  • Create a Gift vendor
  • Create a PO Line (POL) with an Acquisition Method of Gift and Material Supplier of Gift.
  • Gift notes can and should still be added to the MARC records per institution's policy.
  • Gift Acquisitions Method does not require Funds or List price
  • Gift POL Template can be created when creating a Gift POL for the first time or at any time when creating a Gift POL

Creating a Gift Vendor

To create a gift vendor one of the following roles is required:

  • Vendor Account Manager
  • Vendor Manager


  1. Go to Acquisitions>Acquisitions Infrastructure>Vendors
  2. Click Add Vendor
  3. Vendor Details screen opens (leave omitted fields blank)
    • Name: Gift
    • Code: GIFT
    • Status: Active
    • Currencies: [Can leave All or select USD}
    • Libraries: [Make sure all libraries impacted are included]
    • Vendor Type: [Select Material Supplier/Subscription Agent]
    • Click Add Under accounts:
      • Account Description: Gift
      • Account Code: GIFT
      • Status: Active
      • Libraries: [Make sure all libraries impacted are included]
      • Payment Method: [Keep Accounting Department]
      • Click Save
  4. Click Save

Creating a Gift PO Line (POL)

To create a gift PO Line (POL) per SUNY recommended practice:

  1. Search for the bib record in Alma's Network Zone (NZ)
  2. Click Order
  3.  PO Line Owner and Type screen opens
    • PO Line Type: [Select the correct POL type]
    • PO Line Owner: [Select the library that orders acquisitions for the institution]
    • Load from Template: [Leave unselected]
    • Generate barcode using sequence: [Only select if the institution has this configured and uses it]
    • Assign Inventory Manually: [Leave unchecked]
    • Click Create PO Line
  4. Purchase Order Lines Details screen opens
    • Order Items: [Edit the location if necessary]
    • Material Supplier: [Select the Gift vendor that has been configured]
    • Acquisitions Method: [Select Gift]
    • Reporting Code: [Select reporting codes if configured and part of the institution's policy]
  5. Click Save and Continue
  6. Click Confirm
  7. Receive the item under Acquisitions>Receiving and Invoicing>Receive

Creating a Gift Template During PO Line (POL) Creation

To create a gift PO Line (POL) per SUNY recommended practice:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 for creating a gift POL
  2. Save as Template
    • Click the ellipses  at the header of the Purchase Order Lines Details screen
    • Select Save as Template
      • Template Name: [Name the template]
      • Public Template: [Select Yes so others in the institution creating POLs can use it]
      • Existing Template: [Do not use - only used to update an existing template]
      • Click Save
  3. Click Save and Continue
  4. Click Confirm
  5. Receive the item under Acquisitions>Receiving and Invoicing>Receive

Creating a PO Line (POL) Using a Gift Template

  1. Follow steps 1-2 for creating a gift POL
  2. PO Line Owner and Type screen opens
    • PO Line Type: [Select the correct POL type]
    • PO Line Owner: [Select the library that orders acquisitions for the institution]
    • Load from Template: [Select Gift template]
    • Generate barcode using sequence: [Only select if the institution has this configured and uses it]
    • Assign Inventory Manually: [Leave unchecked]
    • Click Create PO Line
  3. Purchase Order Lines Details screen opens
    • Order Items: [Edit the location if necessary]
  4. Click Save and Continue
  5. Click Confirm
  6. Receive the item under Acquisitions>Receiving and Invoicing>Receive