As with orders, invoicing Continuous orders is largely identical to invoicing One-Time orders. However, there are additional fields on Continuous Order Invoice lines:
- Check subscription date overlap: If you select this option, Alma checks to see if an overlapping subscription is detected on any other invoice on this PO. If so, an alert message appears when creating the invoice line.
- Helps prevent you from paying for the same issue or subscription period more than once
- NOTE: Alma can check only already-saved information using this feature. This already-saved information includes invoice lines in other invoices and previously added invoice lines from the current invoice. Invoice lines you are currently adding are not checked for overlap with other invoice lines you are currently adding. Use the list of invoices lines to check for overlaps before saving.
- PO Line Subscription dates range: Will auto-populate based on the value in the POL, including both the PO Line Subscription from date and the PO Line Subscription to date.
- Suggested Best Practice: It is also useful to enter this information in the Invoice Line item Note so that it displays on the Invoice lines tab.
- Subscription dates range:
- Required if Check subscription date overlap is selected
- Indicates the subscription dates covered by this line item
- Suggested best practice:
- Only use this field for predictable, easily identifiable ranges
- When in doubt, use the Additional information field instead
- Additional information:
- This field is required if the Subscription dates range field is empty
- Suggested best practice: Use this field to enter the piece-level information: i.e. issue 12 (March), or if you’re invoicing for the entire year
- Invoice Lines of Current PO Line: This list includes the last five regular invoice lines associated with this PO line and the dates associated with each invoice line. This would be another way to check for subscription date overlap, as mentioned earlier. In other words, if there had been any previous invoices for this title, they would be in here.
- Invoice Line Charges section:
- Update price, fund, etc. as needed
- Add any reporting codes
- In the invoice line Note field, add information about what subscription year this is paying for
- In the PO Line Related Information section, you are able to view PO line information and existing invoices for this PO line by clicking on the blue links.
- Click Save when you’re done.
Once you finish updating the information on the Invoice Lines tab, make sure to go back and check that it corresponds to the information on the Summary tab, and then proceed as you would for a manual invoice.