Testing access to a newly activated electronic resource in both Alma and Primo is a good practice. As described in the activation workflow, one can test access to electronic portfolios in Alma using the Test Access functionality. By testing access in Alma immediately after activating a resource, you can identify issues with access before the electronic resource is discoverable in Primo.
After activating and testing access in Alma, it's worthwhile to go a step further and test access in Primo as Primo is the interface with which users will be interacting. By testing access in Primo, you'll be checking the following items:
It's important to note that some changes made in Alma take some time to reflect in Primo. The document below outlines the general publishing time and display time for changes made in Alma. When testing access in Primo, it's important to be aware of when an issue is truly an access problem and when it's just a timing issue. For more information, see also the FAQ on this topic:
1. Select a portfolio from Alma to test in Primo
2. Check Access
(Note: the title of this publication changed from The Eta Sigma Gamman to the Health Educator.)
It's helpful to check access on the article or chapter-level to ensure that indexing is functioning and patrons can access the content they are really looking for - the full text article or book chapter. Be aware, though, that the availability publishing job for Primo runs weekly so depending on when the resource was activated, searching at the article or chapter-level may not be available for up to a week after activation. If testing access before the availability publishing job has run, use the Expand My Results function in Primo to see the expanded search which will include content to which the library does not have full text access.
1. Select an article or chapter title to search in Primo
2. Check Access