OLIS maintains the following email listservs, which can be used for general announcements and discussions.
- SUNY Libraries Listserv (Link to Join) - the main email listserv for communication about OLIS updates, events, and discussion.
- To join, click the link which will send a blank subscription email. You will receive a confirmation email once you are added
- This list is open to all SUNY Libraries staff.
- Submit a ticket to info@sunyolis.libanswers.com to be added to any of the following listservs:
- SUNY Library Directors: only open to Library Directors or other Administrators in Charge of a SUNY Library, or Associate University Librarians at University Centers.
- Scholarly Communications Librarians
- SUNY OER Services maintains an email list of Campus OER Leads. To be added to the list, please submit a ticket to oer@suny.edu.