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Alma Analytics


Alma Roles:

  • Analytics Administrator: To manage Alma Analytics configuration including Analytics Objects List, Analytics User Statistics, and Analytics Citation Attribute Types.
  • Designs Analytics: To design/create/edit/work on any analytics reports, analysis, dashboards etc.
  • Partial Access Roles: To have these roles available, you must set the support_partial_analytics_designer parameter (Configuration > Analytics > General Configuration > Other Settings) to true.
    • Designs Analytics – Fulfillment: Limits access to the API Usage, Analytics Objects, Analytics Usage Tracking, Borrowing Requests, Course Reserves, DARA, Fines and Fees, Fulfillment, Lending Requests, Local Authorities, Requests, Resource Sharing, System Events, Title, and Users subject areas within design analytics.
    • Designs Analytics – Resources: Limits access to the Analytics Objects, Analytics Usage Tracking, API Usage, DARA, Digital Inventory, Digital Usage, Digital Waitlist, E-Inventory, Licenses, Link Resolver Usage, Local Authorities, Physical Items Historical Events, Physical Items, System Events, Title, and Users subject areas within design analytics.
    • Designs Analytics – Acquisition: Limits access to the Purchase Requests, Analytics Objects, Analytics Usage Tracking, API Usage, DARA, Funds Expenditure, Local Authorities, System Events, Title, Usage Data (COUNTER), and Users subject areas within design analytics. 

Accessing Analytics

In Alma, navigate to the Menu bar. Click Analytics>Create Analysis>Access Analytics

If you are not taken directly to the Analytics menu and are given a login screen instead, close the window and log out of Alma and log back in again.

Navigating in Analytics

You navigate through Analytics using the menu bar, the left navigation pane, and toolbars.

  • Landing Page and Menu Bar: This is a blank page for all new users, and can be customized.
    dashboard and menu bar
  • Left Navigation Pane (different depending on what you're doing). 
  • Design and Results area:
    create analytics area


The Catalog link in the Analytics Menu bar provides access to reports designed by Ex Libris and by other Alma users. You may be able to find a report that you can use on your own data rather than creating a new report from scratch.

The Catalog uses a tree structure for organization. This is where you'll find your local institution analytics folder where you can share reports, as well as your personal analytics folder:

analytics catalog

Catalog Best Practices:

  • You may use Shared reports from the Alma, Community, or other catalog folders to run on the fly reports, but if you want to make changes to a report in the shared area, make sure to copy it to your own folder and make the changes on the local copy.
  • Do not copy whole Dashboards to your local instance, as this will break the connections between the reports. If you need a dashboard, you will need to copy each report independently and then create your own dashboard


Use the Create dropdown in the Analytics Menu to create:

  • A new report (analysis)
  • A dashboard
  • A filter
  • A dashboard prompt
  • A condition

create options

Designing Analytics Training Videos & Materials