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Accessibility and SLS

covers what SUNY Library Services is doing to address accessibility both internally and for SUNY

Responsive Design

While checking content for accessibility, it makes sense to also check to make sure that you've set your content up within the standards of responsive design. A page or element that's been designed responsively will scale appropriately for whatever device is used to view it. Platforms like Springshare use code that does this for you, but if you add content incorrectly, that can break the built-in responsiveness. For example, if you add an image that has a hard-coded width dimension, it won't scale down properly if someone looks at that content on a phone.

Best practices for responsive design include:

  • Images: control width of an image with percentages rather than hard-coded pixel numbers. E.g., make the width 80% rather than 660 pixels. The height will take care of itself as a scaled connection with the width, so leave that attribute empty
  • Tables: avoid using tables for layout whenever possible. Use divs and width of div be percentage where possible
