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SUNY Library Services (SLS)

About SUNY Library Services (SLS)

The SUNY Library Services (SLS), part of the Office of Library and Information Services, supports library technology management and library services initiatives by:
  • Managing the SUNY Library Services Platform and Discovery Solution, currently Alma and Primo VE
  • Providing support to the entire SUNY system and managing services and resources directly for institutions, as well as providing individual consulting and management services
  • Providing collections and procurement support for system-wide and group content

SLS connects strategic directions from the entire SUNY system and works to assist with implementation and management of initiatives at the campus level. SLS is dedicated to helping our SUNY campus libraries better understand emerging trends, technologies, and affordable solutions that enable learning, research, and student success. 

SUNY Library Services Team

  • Maureen Clements, SUNY Library Services Associate Director
  • Michelle Eichelberger, Discovery and E-Resources Program Manager and Support Specialist
  • Tim Jackson, Fulfillment and Resource Sharing Program Manager
  • Rebecca Nous, Support Specialist
  • Susan Perry, Support Specialist
  • Marcy Strong, Metadata Coordinator and Support Specialist
  • Esta Tovstiadi, Collections Support Analyst

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