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SUNY Library Services (SLS)


Email a Question to:

Types of questions we can help you with:

  • Analytics consultations
  • Cataloging and Acquisitions configuration
  • Resource Sharing configuration
  • Discovery configuration
  • Primo VE linking troubleshooting
  • Access Services configuration
  • Discovery configuration

Interest Groups and Communities of Practice

Interest Groups and Communities of Practice are used to communicate on specific topics or areas of interest, and are open to anyone who wants to join.

Submit a ticket to to be added to any of the following groups.

  • SUNY LSP and Discovery HQ
  • SUNY Shared Collections HQ
  • Access Services
  • Accessibility Community of Practice
  • Analytics Interest Group
  • Discovery Interest Group
  • Electronic Resources Interest Group
  • Institutional Repositories Community of Practice
  • Library Directors Community of Practice
  • Metadata Interest Group
  • New Library Directors Community of Practice
  • Systems & Processes Interest Group

Email Listservs

OLIS maintains the following email listservs, which can be used for general announcements and discussions. 

General Updates

For general updates, please subscribe to: