MarcEdit can be integrated with Alma, which removes the need to create a repository import profile to import MARC records into Alma from MarcEdit. SUNY policy is to update OCLC MARC records in Connexion and import them into Alma when non-local changes are made to Network Zone (NZ) linked MARC record. Only local MARC fields containing $$9 local should be added, edited, or deleted in MarcEdit and then imported into Alma when they are linked to the NZ.
MarcEdit/Alma integration allows catalogers to:
To Integrate MarcEdit with Alma:
To create an API:
To Configure MarcEdit:
NOTE: If the cataloger gets a Z39.50 error when trying to use the MarcEdit integration, the Z39.50/SRU settings needs to be re-entered.
MarcEdit Alma Integration can be used to:
To search for MARC records in Alma:
To download Alma Marc Records into MarcEdit:
To download one record to open in the MarcEditor:
To download multiple records to open in the MarcEditor:
To download all records to open in the MarcEditor:
To import edited MARC records into Alma from MarcEdit:
To import MARC records into Alma from MarcEdit: