Bib and holdings records that are opened in the MD Editor need to be released once the cataloger is done viewing and/or editing the records so that they're not locked for use by other catalogers either at the campus or other campuses.
Every time a bib or holdings record is saved in the MD Editor a new version is created, therefore:
Records can be released from the:
If you've made changes in the bib record in the MD Editor, use "Save and Release Record, which will save the changes to the bib record and create a new version.
Save and release records by:
Closing a record using the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the record will close the record from displaying in the editing pane of the MD Editor, but it does not release the record from the MD Editor. The record will remain in the records list until it has been released. Records in the records list will be unlocked after 1 hour of inactivity.
If you are finished working with a bib or holdings record it is better to:
To close a record that is open in the Main Pane of the MD Editor when you plan to return to at a later time: