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Alma Resource Management

Working with the Metadata Editor in the Institution and Network Zones. Includes indication and normalization rules.

Suppressing Item Records

Item records cannot be individually suppressed in Alma, however:

  • Locations can be suppressed in Alma
  • Predicted item records that have not been received can be suppressed from discovery
  • Process types can be suppressed from Discovery

Suppressing Locations from Displaying in PrimoVE

To suppress a location from displaying in PrimoVE:

  1. Go to Configuration
  2. Change "Configuring" from the Institution to the Library level
  3. Go to Fulfillment>Locations>Physical Locations
  4. Click Edit from the ellipses of the Location to be suppressed
  5. Click in the check box next to "Suppress from Discovery"
  6. Click Save
    Suppress from Discovery at the Physical Location
  7. Create a set using the advanced repository search Physical Title>Permanent Physical Holdings>Equals>Local
  8. Run the "Recalculate local resource type job" on the set of records in the location:
    • NZ linked records will require the Network Zone Coordinator to run the job on the records
    • The job can be run in the Alma instance for IZ only records

Suppressing Items By Process Type

To use the process type to suppress items from displaying in PrimoVE:

  1. Go to Configuration>Discovery>Other>Exclude Process Type from Publishing
  2. Click Add Row
  3. The Process Type  screen opens
    1. Process Type: [Select the Process Type}
    2. Exclude: True
    3. Material Type: [Leave Not Chosen for All or Select a specific material type to be excluded]
    4. Click Add
  4. Click Customize (if it is the first row added) or Save

Suppressing Serial Items Waiting to be Received from Displaying in PrimoVE