Holdings records can be relinked (moved) to another bib record, which will move the associated items as well.
Relinking holdings records to another bib record:
- Perform a All Titles repository search to find the original bib record
- Click Holdings
- Click Relink from the top of the screen or the ellipses of the holdings record
- The Search screen opens on the right-hand side of the split screen editor
- Click the Zone to be searched (Institution, Network, or Community)
- Type in search parameters (use the MMS ID, ISBN, OCLC #, etc.)
- Click Search to find the record to which you'd like to link the holdings
- Click Relink from the record on the right-hand side of the split screen editor
- The Holdings record is now relinked to the new record
- Click Save>Save and Release Record (Ctrl+Alt+R)
NOTE: The original bib record will need to be deleted if there are no other holdings associated with the bib record