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Alma Resource Management

Working with the Metadata Editor in the Institution and Network Zones. Includes indication and normalization rules.

Deleting Holdings Records

A holdings record cannot be deleted if there is at least one item record associated with it. Holdings records are usually deleted after the associated item records have been deleted.

There might be cases where holdings records without associated item records were migrated and they need to be deleted. Holdings without associated items can be deleted:

  • In the MD Editor or
  • From a list of holdings when multiple holdings records are present

Deleting Holdings Records in the MD Editor

  1. Make sure there are no item records attached to the holdings record
    • If a holdings record has items associated with it, it cannot be deleted in the MD Editor and should use "withdrawing the last item record(s)" workflow
  2. Open the Holdings record in the MD Editor
  3. Click Record Actions>Delete Record
  4. Click "Yes" when the confirmation message appears stating; "You are about to this Holdings. Are you sure?"

Deleting Multiple Holdings Records from the List of Holdings

When a bib record has multiple holdings record there is the option to delete the holdings records from the List of Holdings.

  1. Make sure the Holdings record does not have any items associated with it
  2. Perform a repository search for the title
  3. Click Holdings from the ellipses of the record
  4. Click in the check box(es) for the Holdings being deleted
  5. Click Delete Holdings
  6. Click "Confirm" when the Confirmation message appears asking; "You are about to delete holdings. Only empty holdings will be deleted. Are you sure you want to perform this action?"

Deleting Holdings Records with Items Records