The benefit of linking an IZ only bib record to the NZ is that the campus's holdings will appear in the SUNY Catalog, and the bib will be managed centrally rather than managed by campus staff.
“Share with Network” is the function used to link an IZ only bib record with the NZ. It can be used to:
All IZ records need to have an 035 $$a (OCoLC) number to use "Share with Network" because:
Use this workflow to link IZ records to the NZ one at a time.
To link an IZ only bib record to the NZ:
The best way to link multiple IZ records to the NZ is to create a set and run the “Link a set of records to the Network Zone” job on the set.
Unlinking bib records from the Network Zone (NZ) may be necessary in the following scenarios:
"Copy to Catalog" allows users to unlink a bib record from the NZ by breaking the IZ connection to the NZ, and creating an IZ only copy..
To unlink a bib record from the NZ and delete the IZ copy: