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Alma Resource Management

Working with the Metadata Editor in the Institution and Network Zones. Includes indication and normalization rules.

Deleting Bib Records Overview

Required Roles:

  • Cataloger
  • Cataloger Extended (must be combined with Cataloger)

Deleting Bib Records:

  • It is recommended to delete bib records without inventory in Alma to prevent discovery issues, as unsuppressed bib records with no holdings will continue to display as available in Primo VE.
  • Unlike previous systems like Aleph, deleting a bib record will not remove all traces of it from your system. You'll be able to see data in fines and fees, acquisitions, etc., and you can use analytics to track when it was added and deleted
  • Suppress any bibs that you would like to keep in Alma but not display in Primo VE, such as:
    • Container records for standing orders
    • Databases
  • If you would like to keep bib records for withdrawn items, make sure to unlink the bibs from the NZ so that the NZ record may be deleted in the future if no one else in SUNY owns the item
  • Deleting IZ bib records in the MD Editor will delete:
    • Bibliographic record (by itself)
    • Bibliographic record with one or more holdings records
    • Bibliographic record, holdings record, and one or more of its items (as long as the items do not have a status of Loan)
    • Bibliographic records with PO lines (note that a message indicates that PO lines will be removed when deleting the attached bibliographic record)

How to Identify Bib Records without Inventory

To identify bib records without inventory perform the following advanced repository search:

  • All Titles: Has Inventory: Equals: No

Advanced Repository Search to Find Bibs without Inventory. All Titles: Has Inventory: Equals: No

Expand the search it include or excludes Tag Suppressed (Title) Yes or No:
Tag Suppressed with an All Tiles: Has Inventory: No search

Deleting IZ Bib Records

IZ-only bib record:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Go to Record Actions>Delete Record
  3. Click Confirm when the confirmation message appears
    • If there is associated inventory (item records) it will indicate that they will be deleted as well

NZ-linked bib record:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. If your library is the last holding record
    • Copy the NZ MMS ID located in MARC 001
    • Contact SUNY Library Services to request that the record be deleted, or leave it to be caught in the monthly holding-less bib record clean-up
  3. Go to Record Actions>Copy to Catalog (Alt+Shft+C)
  4. Click the Save icon (Ctrl+S)
    • Make sure the new bib record has the campus 4 digit identifier at the end of the MMSID
  5. Go to Record Actions>Delete Record (Ctrl+D)
  6. Click Confirm when the confirmation message appears

Deleting NZ Bib Records

NZ Bib records must be deleted in the Network Zone by SUNY Library Services staff. Options are:

  • Contact SUNY Library Services to request that the record be deleted, or
  • Leave it to be caught in the monthly SUNY Library Services holding-less bib record clean-up process

Deleting a Set of Bib Records

Sets of IZ or NZ linked bib records can be deleted by running the "Delete Bibliographic Records" job.

  • The "Delete Bibliographic Records" job will withdraw the bib record from the library's IZ.
  • If the bib record is linked to the NZ, the job will unlink it and delete only the IZ version.
  • Bibs will not be withdrawn if they have any open orders

To delete a set of bib records you need to have one of the following roles:

  • Catalog Administrator
  • Catalog Manager

Steps to delete a set of bib records:

  1. Create an All Titles set of records (logical or itemized)
  2. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a Job
  3. Search for the "Delete Bibliographic Record" job
  4. Click on the radio button for the "Delete Bibliographic Record" job
  5. Click Next
  6. Click on the set of records to be withdrawn using the "Delete Bibliographic Record" job
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the task parameters to be used when deleting the set of bib records:
    • Do not delete if related to other records. Recommendation is to leave this box unchecked
      • Related records are based on Library Of Congress related records
      • Relationships may not based on record relationships in the IZ
    • Delete all associated inventory resources
      • Check this box if you want records that still have inventory to be deleted
  9. Click Next
  10. Review the job parameters
  11. Click Submit
  12. Click Confirm

Restoring Deleted Bib Records

Alma does not have a job that can be run to restore deleted bib or item records, however "Manage Deleted Repository" can be used to search for and restore repository records that were deleted manually or by a job. 

Required role:

  • Repository Manager

Things to consider when using Manage Deleted Repository:

  • When restoring records deleted by a user, only records deleted by the last action performed by that user are restored
    • Restoring a bibliographic record restores all records that were deleted together with it, for example holdings and item records
    • Restoring an item record restores its higher level records, for example holdings and bibliographic records, but not other records that were under its associated bibliographic record
  • The associated record ID must be used to search by the record ID:
    • MMS ID - Title search
    • Holdings PID - Holdings record search
    • Item PID - Item search
  • To search for/restore a single record use the MMS ID/PID search criteria. MMS IDs and PIDs can be retrieved in analytics
  • To search for/restore multiple records use the Deleted range or Delete by search criteria
  • Only one record at a time can be restored from the results list


  • Go to Resources>Advanced Tools>Manage Deleted Repository
  • The Manage Deleted Repository screen opens
    • Find: [select the type of record to search]
    • Search Criteria:
    • Records can be search by Deleted range, deleted by, or MMS ID/PID
    • Click Search
  • Review the results
  • Click Restore
  • Restore Confirm Screen pop-ups with details of what is being restored
  • Click Confirm

Ex Libris Documentation on Restoring Deleted Records