Rules are used in Alma to identify, modify, or combine bibliographic and holdings records. Users can use rules on individual records, sets of records, and Import profiles.
Use Cases:
There are several types of rules that are supported in Alma. The following types of rules are used in SUNY:
One of the following roles is required to created rules:
The following role is required to create a normalization process for normalization rules:
IMPORTANT!!! - SUNY rules have been created by SUNY Library Services for specific purposes and they should not be edited or deleted as they could have an impact on SUNY-wide import processes. DO NOT edit or delete rules beginning with "SUNY." If you want to edit the rule for your own use, copy it and edit it locally.
Examples of SUNY rules:
It is very important to make sure the placement of rules is set to the correct Zone when creating them in the MD Editor.
To configure the placement of new rules to local (institution):