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Alma Resource Management

Working with the Metadata Editor in the Institution and Network Zones. Includes indication and normalization rules.

MMS ID: Metadata Management System Identifier

The MMS ID (Metadata Management System ID) is the unique record identifier in Alma. You may be asked to supply the MMS ID when troubleshooting in Alma and it is important to be able to provide the correct MMS ID. 

All records in Alma are assigned an MMS ID:

  • Network Zone (NZ) MMS IDs end with 4801

  • Institution Zone (IZ) MMS IDs end with the 4-digit unique identifier assigned to the institution. Records attached to the NZ will include the NZ's MMS ID in the MARC 001 field
    Institution zone mms id

Bib Record Notes

Notes may be used by a cataloger to track changes that need to be made or have been made, and are often used in conjunction with assigning a record to another cataloger

Adding Notes:
To attach notes to a bib record:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Got to Record Actions
  3. Click Add Note
  4. The Add Note window opens
    • Note: [Type in the note]
  5. Click Ok
  6. Click the "X" to close the Notes display on the right-side of the split screen editor

Notes may also be added by:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Got to View Related Data
  3. Click View Notes
  4. Click the Add Note button
  5. The Add Note window opens. Type in the note
  6. Click Ok
  7. Click the "X" to close the Notes display on the right-side of the split screen editor

Managing Notes:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Go to View Related Data
  3. Click on View Notes
    • Click the Delete button next to the note if you would like to remove it

Assign to Another Cataloger

Bib records may be assigned to another cataloger for enhancements or corrections.

To assign a bib record to another cataloger:

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Go to Record Actions
  3. Click on Assign Record to Another Cataloger
  4. The Assign Record to Another Cataloger screen opens
    1. Assign To: [Select the cataloger from the drop-down menu]
    2. Note: [Optional: Add Note]
    3. Send as email: [Optional: Check the box to send an email to the cataloger the record is being assigned to]
      • Note: if an email is not sent, the cataloger will see a record in their records list the next time they open the MD Editor
  5. Click Assign To. NOTE: Once a record is assigned to a user it is locked by the assigned users name

To view a bib record that has been assigned to you:

  1. Open the MD Editor
  2. The assigned record will appear in the records list with "Assigned" underneath it in blue
  3. Click on the record to open it in the MD Editor. Notes can be viewed once the record is opened in the MD Editor

To release an assigned record:
An assigned record may be released by the person who assigned the record (once it has been released by the assignee) or by the person the record was assigned to.

  1. Open the bib record in the MD Editor
  2. Go to Record Actions
  3. Click Release Assignment
  4. The Release Assignment window opens
    • Note: [Optional]
  5. Click Ok


Reminders can be added to bib records to remind users to perform specific tasks at specified times, such as closing a serial record, adding local notes, withdrawing a title when a new edition arrives, or updating a holdings record. Reminders can be added to an Institution Zone record or a Network Zone Record. 

Reminders can include: 

  • Date for the reminder to occur
  • Type of reminder
  • Status of the reminder
  • Text describing the reminder

Reminders do not have an alert or show up in task lists. Reminders are Managed by going to Resources>Cataloging>Reminders.

Configuring Reminder Types and Statuses

A "General" Reminder Type is enabled out of the box. Reminders types can be configured to create specific reminder types for required tasks, such as close record, add local note, or withdraw. 

A general Reminder Status for "New" is enabled out of the box. Reminders statutes can be configured to let the user know the reminders status.

To configure Reminder Types or Statuses:

  1. Go to Configuration>Resources>General>Reminder Types or Reminder Statuses
  2. Click Add Row
  3. Populate the following fields in the Add Row poo-up screen
    • Code: [Type in a code for the the Reminder Type or Status]
    • Description: [Type in the description of the Reminder Type or Status]
    • Default: [Select "No" unless you want it to be the default]
  4. Click Add Row
  5. Click Customize

Creating Reminders

Reminders can be created on Institution Zone (IZ) records or Network Zone (NZ) records. The zone used in the repository search determines where the reminder is created. Make sure the repository search results are in the IZ before creating reminders for IZ specific records.

To add a reminder to a single bib record:

  • Perform a repository search for the title
  • Click Add Reminder from the ellipses of the record
  • Reminders Details screen opens
    • Text: [Type in a note explaining the reminder]
    • Date: [Select the date to manage the reminder]
    • Type: [Select the Reminder Type]
    • Status:  [Select Status]
  • Click Save


To add reminders using a set:

  1. Create a set from an IZ repository search. Adding reminders using a set can only be done on IZ records.
  2. Run the "Add Reminders" job:
    1. Go to Admin>Manage Jobs and Sets>Run a job
    2. Search for "Add Reminders" job by name
    3. Click the radio button next to the job and click Next
    4. Click the radio button next to the set and click Next
    5. Select the task parameters for the reminder
      • Date
      • Type
      • Status
      • Text
      Add Reminders Job - Task Parameters
    6. Click Next
    7. Review the job
    8. Click Submit
    9. Click Confirm

Managing Reminders

Users need to manually review reminders.

To manage reminders once they have been created:

  1. Go to Resources>Cataloging>Reminders
    • A list of reminders will display
    • Submitted Date Range, Type, and Status filters can be used to focus on specific reminders requiring action:
      Reminder Screen with Default Submitted Date Range
  2. To Manage reminders
    • Click Edit from the ellipses or click on the Type link to update the reminder
    • Click on the Title link to view the bib record  which allows the user click Edit to edit the record
      • Once the record is edited you can return to the record display
      • Click Back from the record display to return to Manage Reminders
    • Click Delete from the ellipses to remove the reminder once the task is completed

Bibliographic Records Training Videos