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Research Data Management

This toolkit offers guidance for researchers, librarians, and administrators on managing research data

What is ORCID?

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. Create your ORCID iD at Once you have your unique 16-digit ORCID identifier, you can add information to your record manually or by importing from sources like Scopus and Web of Science. Use your ORCID identifier in all stages of your research workflow (grant applications, manuscript submissions, etc.) to make sure that you get credit for your work.


Register today to start using your ORCID iD. You control when and where you use your iD, and can manage connections to your iD in your ORCID account, including deciding who gets to add what information, and whether and by whom this data may be viewed and accessed.

Why should you register? Your ORCID iD:

  • distinguishes you and ensures your research outputs and activities are correctly attributed to you

  • reliably and easily connects you with your contributions and affiliations

  • reduces form-filling (enter data once, re-use it often)

  • improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs

  • is interoperable (works with many institutions, funders, and publishers)

  • is persistent (enduring)

Federal funding

Federal funding mandates resulting from NSPM 33 may require ORCID iDs for future NIH and NSF grant applications.

Starting in October 2023, NSF has partnered with the National Institutes of Health to use SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae as an NSF-approved format for use in preparation of the biographical sketch section of an NSF proposal. Adoption of a single, common researcher profile system for federal grants reduces administrative burden for researchers. 

SciENcv will produce an NSF-compliant PDF version of the biographical sketch. Proposers must save this document and submit it as part of their proposal via or

Please contact your campus library for help updating your ORCID record information or linking it to other systems.

Create and complete your own ORCID record

After you register, don't forget to

  1. Add works to your ORCID record.
  2. Connect and share your ORCID iD.
  3. Use your ORCID iD with other systems integrated with ORCID (SciENcv, NIH Biosketch, systems at SUNY or your own institution, journal manuscript submissions, or data publishing systems such as Dryad.) ​​

Need help? Take a look at the ORCID + Researchers page, email SUNY OLIS at, or contact your campus library for help.

Image of an excerpt from an example ORCID record

Tips for populating your ORCID record

Adding information to your ORCID record now can save time in the future. You can choose to share data in your ORCID record with your institution, grant funders, publishers, and the public. Ideally, the effort to add information to ORCID profiles prevents duplicate work recording scholarly activity in disparate places and allows re-use information via ORCID.

Here are some tips to adding information to your record.

  1. Start by updating your Education and most recent Employment.
  2. Then add entries to the Works sections of your ORCID record.
    1. Use the Search & link citation importer to add citations automatically.
    2. If your publication has a DOI, use that to add additional citations.
    3. Add the remainder of your works manually.
  3. Add a trusted individual to your account to update your record on your behalf.
  4. Add your information in chunks.
    1. Break the work up over several days. Give yourself a goal to spend 10 minutes a day updating your ORCID record.
    2. If you are applying for a grant, log into your ORCID record and make sure the information relevant to that grant application is updated.
  5. If your institution asks to connect to your ORICD record and you approve the connection, this can save you time and effort updating your current employment information.

Linking your ORCID record

Please use to link your ORCID iD. Sharing it with SUNY System Administration: 

  • improves the visibility of your research outputs within the SUNY System, and
  • enable connections of your work with other SUNY initiatives which may lead to more collaborative funding opportunities.

During this phase of ORCID integration work we are only linking to your ORCID account. In a later phase, SUNY may push affiliation information to your record. You will be notified before data is posted to your ORCID record.

When you access the portal:

  1. You will be asked to sign in through the SUNY portal link provided above. Please use the username and password associated with your primary campus of employment. If you work with multiple campuses, only the username and password at your primary campus will be required.
  2. After you log in, you will be redirected to ORCID.
  3. Create a new ORCID iD or log in to ORCID using your existing ORCID iD.
  4. Click on “authorize access” to allow SUNY to link to your ORCID account.

After granting this permission, SUNY Administration will be linked to your ORCID iD. 


Why should I link my record to SUNY?

  • Linking your ORCID iD to SUNY enables workflow and reporting efficiencies. It also enables future updates by SUNY to your ORCID record.  
  • Linking your ORCID iD to SUNY will improve the visibility of your research and connect you and your work to larger SUNY research initiatives or funding opportunities.

Why should I allow SUNY to update my ORCID record in the future?

  • When data in your ORCID record has been added by an organization you trust, it can be reused with a high degree of confidence in a number of different workflows, for example, when automatically filling out some manuscript submission or grant application forms.

 What else should I know?

  • SUNY System Administration will appear as a Trusted organization on your ORCID profile. In the future, SUNY may add information to your ORCID record (such as affiliation, publications, or grants awarded). We will notify you if we plan to do this.
  • Researcher control is central to everything ORCID does. If you no longer want SUNY to edit your ORCID record, you can revoke permission at any time. You can unlink your ORCID profile with SUNY by going to the same portal and selecting “Unlink.” 

ORCID at SUNY: Managing Your Researcher Profile and Scholarly Record webinars


Campus resources

University at Albany resources:

University at Buffalo resources:

SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry resources:

Stony Brook University resources:

Upstate Health Sciences University resources: