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Research Data Management

This toolkit offers guidance for researchers, librarians, and administrators on managing research data

ORCID Integration on SUNY Campuses

Recently, SUNY Administration joined the US ORCID Community as an institutional member. In the Spring and Summer of 2023, SUNY Administration Office of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (ORIED) led an ORCID Task Force to:

Define and recommend SUNY-wide practices for integrating SUNY (system and individual institution) and RF systems with ORCID, taking into account:

  1. Researcher acquisition of ORCID iDs,
  2. Researcher sharing of ORCID iDs with SUNY institutions and systems, and
  3. Updating and maintenance of researcher ORCID profiles by SUNY institutions and systems. 

The Overview and Value Proposition for SUNY sections of the final report shared below. Email to request the full recommendation document from the ORCID Task Force.

ORCID Task Force Recommendation: Overview

A persistent, researcher-owned, identifier enables a researcher to connect their names(s) reliably, unambiguously, and permanently with their work throughout their research career, including publications, grants, education, employment, and other biographical information, etc.

Pursuant to National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM 33), federal funders required to establish policies regarding requirements for researchers supported by or working on any federal research grant to be registered with a service that provides digital persistent identifiers (DPIs).  Federal agencies have, or are planning to have, ORCID iDs as the identified DPI.

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization sustained by fees from member organizations. ORCID meets the requirements for providers of DPIs as set forth in the above referenced guidance and provides:

  1. the ORCID iD as a unique persistent identifier free of charge to researchers; 
  2. an ORCID record connected to the ORCID iD; 
  3. a set of APIs as well as the services and support of communities of practice that enable interoperability and exchange of data between an ORCID record and member organizations, with access controlled by the researcher.

The following types of information about a researcher can be aggregated in an ORCID record

  1. Biographical Data 
  2. Affiliation Data 
  3. Research Funding
  4. Works/Scholarly Output
  5. Peer Review Activity

Information in an ORCID record can be either fully public or restricted by the researcher to be visible only to trusted parties.

In alignment with the August 2023 Recommendation of SUNY ORCID Task Force, ORIED encourages SUNY institutions with significant research activity to acquire a membership to ORCID. Contingent upon terms and completion and acceptance of the application, ORIED is offering to reimburse the campus’ ORCID membership costs to support this effort. Please contact for more information.

Value Proposition for SUNY (System, Research Foundation and Institutions)

  1. Access to and storage of ORCID iDs will allow us to unambiguously connect our faculty and staff to their research and sponsored funding activity.
    • Storage of ORCID iDs central with Faculty Global ID would allow it to be asserted by Federated Authentication methods and be available to multiple integrated systems across the SUNY ecosystem.
  2. Collecting and storing authenticated ORCID iDs for individuals through an OAUTH API exchange with ORCID ensures the ORCID iD values we store in our systems are correct.
  3. Writing SUNY affiliations to faculty ORCID records enables SUNY (and SUNY Institutions) to take control of how our institution names are used in faculty research outputs and enables researchers to share accurate and authoritative information about their affiliation with our institutions when applying for grants, publishing an article, book, data, or other research outputs.
  4. Writing data about other faculty research activities to faculty ORCID records reduces the amount of time faculty and administrative staff need to spend maintaining information about their activities in multiple places (such as their CVs, faculty information systems, etc.) and helps ensure faculty accomplishments and expertise are more fully represented in places such as grant proposals, research analytics tools, and institutional portals.
  5. Encouraging faculty to acquire an ORCID iD will set SUNY on a path for compliance with any eventual federal funding mandates resulting from NSPM 33.


Details of recommendations available in the final report. Email to request a copy.

  • Profiles
    • Who must have an ORCID iD?
    • Who should have an ORCID iD?
    • For whom should SUNY Research Foundation capture authenticated ORCID iDs?
    • For whom should SUNY System Administration capture authenticated ORCID iDs?
    • For whom should SUNY Institutions capture authenticated ORCID iDs?
    • What about Students?
  • ORCID US Community Membership
    • When to acquire an institutional ORCID Membership
    • When to use SUNY System Administration’s ORCID Membership
    • When to use the Public ORCID APIs (i.e. no membership)
  • System Integrations
    • System-Wide
    • System Administration
      • Use the Affiliation Manager to support SUNY institutions in writing Affiliations to Faculty ORCID records
      • Enable Capture, Storage and Sharing of ORCID iDs with the SUNY Global ID
    • Research Foundation
    • SUNY Institutions
  • Maintaining ORCID Records
  • Social Supports